Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Athens, 399 BCE
It was a packed court room with 501 jurors, so there wouldnt be a equal vote. Socrates stands accused of corrupting the youth and teaching new gods which violated Athenian laws such as not believing gods. Which when tallied was an apparently vote close and made Socrates guilty of the crimes against him. Also in this case the trial recreated a atmosphere of a direct democracy and of depicting Socrates as deeply convinced of his own innocence. And in this trial Socrates defense was Platoes Apology which spoke of a the cause of one's beliefs or actions. Also in the trial Socrates and his prosecutor suggested alternative democracy, and Socrates felt that old age would be unpleasant anyway.

My Opinion:

I feel justice wasn't served, because in my opinion people is intitled to feel or believe in what they want. And in this case if Socrates didnot agree or believe in the gods.  Therefore he should of had every right to believe in new god if thats the way he felt.  Also the facts that he was killed for that was a very cruel punishment so I feel justice was not served. 

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